In the downloads area of this page are the logos most commonly used by Capital Area REALTORS®. The "jpeg" files are Web quality, and the "eps" files are print quality. To download the jpeg files, click on the filename, then right click on the image and select "Save picture as...". To download the eps files, simply click on the filename and select "Save". Before you incorporate these logos into your Web site or printed materials, please review the following usage guidelines.
Before you incorporate these logos into your Web site or printed materials, please review the following usage guidelines. Any misrepresentation on your part of these logos can result in your membership being revoked from the Capital Area Association of REALTORS® and the National Association of REALTORS®.
CAR Member Logo Guidelines
The Capital Area REALTORS® logo may only be used by members of the Capital Area REALTORS® to display membership in the association. The design may not be altered in any way without written approval of the Capital Area REALTORS®.
The logo may be printed in black and white. If colors are used, the lettering must be Reflex Blue and the house must be green PMS 342. Never alter, outline, combine or superimpose the logo with respect to other symbols or designs. The word "MEMBER" must be placed under the logo each time it is used. This must be in capital letters only.
The logo maybe reduced or enlarged proportionately; however, it may not be used as the primary logo and may not be more than 20% of the area on which it is placed. The Capital Area REALTORS® reserves the right of approved usage of the logo.
CAR Member Logo (jpg) full size
CAR Member Logo (jpg) narrow
CAR Member Logo (eps)
CREN Member Logo Guidelines
The Commercial Real Estate Network (CREN) is a separate category of membership in the Capital Area REALTORS (CAAR) and the membership mark is owned exclusively by CAR. Only members of CREN are licensed to use the CREN mark.
The logo may be printed in black and white. If colors are used, the lettering must be Pantone 289 dark blue and the building must be green Pantone 342 dark red. Never alter, outline, combine or superimpose the logo with respect to other symbols or designs. The word "MEMBER" must be placed under the logo each time it is used. This must be in capital letters only.
The logo may be reduced or enlarged proportionately; however, it may not be used as the primary logo and may not be more than 20% of the area on which it is placed. The Capital Area Association of REALTORS® reserves the right of approved usage of the logo.
CREN Member Logo (jpg)
CREN Member Logo (eps)
NAR REALTOR® Logo Guidelines
The term REALTOR is a federally registered collective membership mark owned exclusively by the National Association of REALTORS (NAR). Only members of the National Association of REALTORS are licensed to use the term 'REALTOR'. Use of the REALTOR mark is subject to specific terms and conditions.

Download Logos
How Members Can Protect the REALTOR Trademark
Use of Terms MLS & Multiple Listing Service
No MLS participant, subscriber or licensee affiliated with any participant shall, through the name of their firm, their URLs, their e-mail addresses, their website addresses, or in any other way represent, suggest or imply that the individual or firm is an MLS, or that they operate an MLS. Participants, subscribers and licensees affiliated with participants shall not represent, suggest or imply that consumers or others have direct access to MLS databases, or that consumers or others are able to search the MLS databases available only to participants and subscribers. This does not prohibit participants and subscribers from representing that any information they are authorized under MLS rules to provide to clients or customers is available on their websites or otherwise.
Fair Housing Rules and Regulations
The Fair Housing Act (FHA), also known as Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, as amended, protects people against housing discrimination based on race, color, religion, national origin, sex, disability, and familial status. The Fair Housing Rules and Regulations outline rules REALTORS must adhere to when advertising the sale, rental, or financing of dwellings to ensure compliance with the Fair Housing Act. Although the Equal Housing Opportunity logo is not required in all advertising,
Appendix I to Part 109 of the Fair Housing Rules specifically states:
fair housing policies and practices provided in this section (109.30 Fair housing policy and practices) as evidence of compliance with the prohibitions against discrimination in advertising under the Fair Housing Act.
(a) Use of Equal Housing Opportunity logotype, statement, or slogan. All advertising of residential real estate for sale, rent, or financing should contain an equal housing opportunity logotype, statement, or slogan as a means of educating the homeseeking public that the property is available to all persons regardless of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin."...